LΞNDAL Discord Bot Setup Instructions
The LΞNDAL Pro Trader Discord bot can be hosted in one channel, or split across multiple channels according to asset type or strategy.
Invite the Bot
Setup Bot Permissions
**Note: If you use Wickbot or similar security bots, ensure the LENDAL Pro Trader role is whitelisted to avoid bot quarantine or message removal.
Create Channels
Create a single channel or multiple channels according to how you wish to receive trade reports. All reports can be streamed to one channel or split across multiple channels according to asset type or strategy.
All calls in one channel:
Channels by asset type:
Lendal-news Channel
See the LΞNDAL News Feed section for more information on this service.
Add the Bot Role to Channels
Follow these steps for each channel created:
Right-click to edit the channel or category in which you intend to post the bot.
Go to Permissions.
Click the “Add Members or Roles” button.
Select the role “LENDAL Pro Trader” (do not select the member).
Click the “Done” Button.
In the “Advanced permissions” select the LENDAL Pro Trader role.
Click on the “Send Messages” checkmark and check the ‘View” permission is enabled.
8. Click “Save”
Run the Test Command To Check Permissions
Run the command /test in the created channel and include a role in the first parameter if you intend to use an alert role.
While entering the command, you should see a rich embed message. If you don't see the message, then your permissions are not working correctly.
If you have difficulty, open a ticket in the Lendal Discord server.
Subscribe to Assets
Run the command /subscribe in the desired host channel.
Choose the hashtag for the desired subscription.
Specify the role you want to alert when the copy trade is posted (optional).
Subscribe to all assets within a single channel or split assets across multiple channels.
Example: /subscribe #CRYPTO @Alert: Copy Trade (CRYPTO)
Update or Remove Subscriptions
To modify or remove a subscription, use /unsubscribe
Welcome Notices
Any server subscribing to the Lendal bot will be announced in the Lendal Discord's Vibe channel. A welcome announcement is made for all communities with a vanity URL.
LΞNDAL V3 Strategies
We are currently adding LΞNDAL V3 strategies with Sharpe ratios between 1.0 - 3.0 to the bot. Sharpe ratios will be posted in the copy trade notifications.
LΞNDAL News Feed - New!
We are now making available our news feed. You can create a separate channel called "lendal-news" for example, and it will post crypto-related and Lendal news. You can see an example of the feed here: https://discord.com/channels/952759062142013480/996516469657583727
Last updated