Last updated
Last updated
Bull Trend = Green
Bear Trend = Red
Technical Ranging = Yellow
Trading Halt = Grey
Shows how many backtested trends resulted in profit.
Shows how many backtested trends resulted in loss.
Shows the percentage of trends that resulted in profit.
Shows the net price change on the current trend.
Gross profit across all trades. The profitability percentage is calculated based on the current price of the asset being traded. You can find more detail on this in the section.
Gross loss across all trades. The drawdown percentage is calculated based on the current price of the asset being traded. You can find more detail on this in the section.
Net gain from all trades. The net gain percentage is calculated based on the current price of the asset being traded. You can find more detail on this in the section.
Shows the date and time when the first trade in the backtested period closed. You can find more detail on this in the section.