Backtesting Basics
This section outlines basic concepts for backtesting in the Pro tester.
Last updated
This section outlines basic concepts for backtesting in the Pro tester.
Last updated
Ensure the Lendal Browser Extension is installed in order to import/export configurations.
Open the Lendal Pro Trader settings interface.
Export the Pro Trader configuration to be tested as a .json file.
Load the Lendal Pro Tester from the TradingView indicator menu and apply default settings.
Open the Pro Tester settings by clicking the cog icon in the Strategy Tester Panel.
Import the .json file exported from the Pro Trader.
Confirm the configuration checksum in the Pro Tester matches that in the Pro Trader.
Apply configuration settings.
Once the Pro Trester is loaded, features will be displayed across multiple panels. Individual panels can be maximized, minimized, repositioned, or hidden using the display icons highlighted in the image below. You can find details on the data displayed in each panel in the TradingView Layout section.
The Pro Tester includes Scaled Exits, Take Profit, Stop Loss, and Trailing Stop Loss in backtest calculations. This allows users to emulate risk management strategies for more realistic profit estimates.
Risk management elements do not influence backtest data displayed in the Pro Trader Calculations Table. The Calculations Table Comparison section provides further details.
See the Strategy Optimization section for details on incorporating Risk Management.
The Pro Tester allows trade account emulation. Users can specify Initial Capital (account size), Order Size, Pyramiding, Commission, and Margin for Longs or Shorts in Property Settings. These settings will be reflected in profitability data displayed in Strategy Tester Panel.
Trade Account Emulation does not influence backtest data displayed in the Pro Trader Calculations Table. The Calculations Table Comparison section provides further details.
The Deep Backtesting feature of the Pro Tester allows backtesting within a specific date range. However, this feature is only available to TradingView Premium subscribers. See the Deep Backtesting section for details.